Electronics hobby home
Not hindered by knowledge nor abilities, this is me playing with electronics..
Vintage Equipment
(Mini) computers and related
PDP 11 Interactive disassembler (work in progress)
Calculators/early desktops
HP 9865A Tape Drive
HP 7470A Plotter (1982)
HP 82901M HP/IB Disk drives (1980)
Stag Quasar Plus (model 1044) (1997?)
Measurement Equipment
Serial data analyzers / Network analyzers
HP 4951B Protocol Analyzer (1984)
HP 4951C Protocol Analyzer (1986)
HP 3478A Multimeter (1988)
Tektronix 602 X/Y Display (1969)
Signal generators / RF
HP 8656B (Synthesized Signal gen, 0.1 to 990MHz, repaired 2022/05/15, 1990?)
HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer 100Hz to 1.5GHz (1978 (A), 1985 (B))
HP 8161A (100MHz pulse generator, needs repair, incomplete, 1981)
HP 5304A Timer/Counter module (10MHz, 1971?)
Digital measurement tools
HP Probe set:
545A Logic Probe
546A Logic Pulser
547A Current Tracer
548A Logic Clip
Logic Analyzers
HP 1662A Logic Analyzer ( )
Signature analyzer
HP 8505A (Incomplete, Top half only)
HP 8151A Optical Pulse Power Meter
Fun and games