Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
bedragTypeCombo.bind(ComboFixed.READONLY).to(model(), LineController_.readOnly());

Finally, using typed properties makes it very easy to work with binding converters. These are used when the source of a binding has a different type from the target. Take the following example:

Code Block
Text2<BigDecimal> ctrl = new Text2<>(BigDecimal.class);
ctrl.setConverter(new MoneyBigDecimalFullConverter());
ctrl.bind("readOnly").to(model(), LineController_.readOnly());
ctrl.bind(NodeBase.VISIBILITY).to(row, Line_.amountType(), amountType -> amountType == AmountType.Amount ? VisibilityType.VISIBLE : VisibilityType.HIDDEN);

The last line binds the CSS "visibility" property to the amountType property of the model, and ensures that the control is only visible when the amountType is Amount. We can use a lambda as above because the types of both from and to are known; had we used properties strings then we would have needed to write a complicated cast on the bind code.

Enter the typed properties annotation processor.
