Welcome to DomUI
This documentation is being updated and is woefully incomplete 8-/ It's hard to do everything by yourself
Current status
I'm currently working on DomUI 2.0. This will be a big change where a lot of problematic things will be rewritten. As a consequence the master branch's code is unstable and a work in progress. This also has its effect on the demo application as that is also updated, changed, and uses the unstable 2.0 master.
Progress on the work is tracked on github, and the github issue list and planboard should be updated with things to do/done.
Getting started
Checking out DomUI itself and running the demo application in Maven and IntelliJ
Using the skeleton app as the basis for a new application (encouraged)
Using a Maven artefact to create a bare bones application (discouraged)
Demo and build information
The currently very ugly demo application (automatically deployed from master builds)
The travis-ci build page - with many thanks to the people hosting that great service!
The maven build reports for the last build (be it branch or master)
The Selenium test reports for the last build (branch or master)
Technical reference documentations (WIP)
Application initialization
Data Binding
Data binding FAQ
You cannot bind a control property with a dotted path
Using the database
Writing DomUI components
Text2 layout and behavior details
DomUI Internals
DomUI JUnit tests
DomUI tools
The dbpool database pool manager
Participating in development
We can always hope, can't we?
Reference and todo's
Sass and Scss
The SassMeister website to quickly test Sass fragments is a Godsend.
CSS Styling frameworks
Bulma looks quite promising (Thanks Yoeri). It also has a theme site.
Materializecss which shows a way to style the upload button
Has a very interesting "loading" modifier to classes - see the css in the examples
Bootstrap does not seem to be a good plan: it changes versions quickly once one is there, but the last one is a complete rewrite and has taken > 2 years already. It also seems big and bloated.
Form designs worth looking at
Other hobbies
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