Creating/Debugging Saleae analyzers

Creating/Debugging Saleae analyzers




Debugging analyzers is a pain in the A because of the AppImage crap around it. The simplest way I found to debug is to print debug info. But this too is foiled: some peanut-brained person apparently decided that hiding stdout would be useful.

I ended up adding a small method to add logging output to a file, as follows:

extern "C" { void dbg(const char* format, ...) { FILE* file = fopen( "test.log", "a" ); if( file != NULL ) { va_list args; va_start( args, format ); vfprintf( file, format, args ); va_end( args ); fclose( file ); } } }

To use this easily do the following in preparation:

  • Extract the Logic2 appImage using --appimage-extract as a parameter

  • Specify the “Logic” program as the target in CLion’s target:

With this you should be able to load your app, and the logfile will be created in squashfs_root of the extracted image (tail -f is your friend).

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