DomUI supports Sass in SCSS format out of the box (since 2.0). The new 2.0 stylesheet (winter) is a scss stylesheet. These stylesheets are compiled on-the-fly by the DomUI server code, so changes made to the stylesheets take effect immediately.
Parameter support
You can pass parameters to scss style sheets by adding them to the URL for the style sheet. These parameters will be inserted into a "virtual" scss file called "_parameters.scss" which can be included in your scss stylesheet.
Stylesheets are cached inside the server for performance. Adding parameters means that each set of parameters requires a new sass compile and a new entry in the cache, so don't do things like adding a unique parameter per user.
The Sass stylesheets are handled by SassPartFactory: a buffered Part factory. This factory recognizes both .scss and .sass files. Since this is a buffered part factory all scss files compiled through it are cached in memory.
The actual compilation is done by asking the SassCompilerFactory for a compiler. New compiler implementations can be built and registered there. We currently have two implementations:
- The jsass compiler, which uses the Java JSass wrapper to the libsass native library. This is the default compiler as it is up-to-date with the standards. The disadvantage is that this compiler might not be available on all platforms, and it might need a custom installation.
- The Vaadin Sass compiler, part of the Vaadin framework. This is a Java native compiler but has quite a few bugs and does not support the latest standards fully. Development seems to have stopped: the last commit was from 2015.
The jsass compiler will be used unless the code finds out that it is not available, in which case it will fall back to the vaadin compiler. This of course might make your files not compile.
Some Sass/SCSS pitfalls
I had some fun getting up to speed with sass. Here are some things important to know.
What the fsck are partials?
Existing Sass compilers will "watch" a directory of files, and will compile all files that end in ".sass" or ".scss" to the equivalent .css file as soon as a file changes or appears.
This is nice, except when files are only meant to be @import ed: those files should not be compiled to .css as they are meant to be part of another file. To prevent that you name the file with a starting underscore: this tells those other compilers that the file is not to be translated at all.
For DomUI this has no real meaning as it only reads the sass files that are requested and translates those on the fly. But we keep the convention because it allows you to also statically translate the sass files used in DomUI and just use the resulting css.
So: partials have no meaning at all in the compilation process: they are just files to be imported.
What does @import do
Import is confusing: it is actually what other languages call include: the source mentioned in the import is "copied" in the file doing the import at the location OF the import. So the following two files:
position: absolute;
@import "file1"; @import "file1"; @import "file1";
will result in
position: absolute; position: absolute; position: absolute;
At the same time tools like IntelliJ complain when you use variables, mixins or functions that are defined in some other file: it tells you that the variable is guessed from files and that en import is needed.
To fix this you should do the following:
- Move all non-code producing things, like variables, functions, mixins and whatnot to separate fragments
- @import those fragments every time they are needed in some other fragment.