




RSX-11 tips and tricks

Formatting (initializing) a disk using rsx-11 on simh

When adding a disk image to simh using “attach” simh will create the file if it does not yet exist- but it will be a file containing all zeroes - not a file system. This means it cannot be used by rsx-11 directly; it needs to be formatted.

Assume the following as simh setup:

set rq1 rd54 attach rq1 -i rsx11-1.dsk

When starting simh will create that file if it does not exist. After that we need to start rsx-11:

sim> boot rq0 RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6 BL87 1920.KW System:"RSXMPL" >RED DU:=SY: >RED DU:=LB: >RED DU:=SP: >MOU DU0:"RSX11MPBL87" >@DU:[1,2]STARTUP >; PLEASE NOTE >; >; If you have not yet read the system release notes, please do so >; now before attempting to perform a SYSGEN or to utilize the new >; features of this system. >; >; >* Please enter time and date (HH:MM DD-MMM-YYYY) [S]: 16:15 16-may-2024 >TIME 16:15 16-may-2024 >ACS SY:/BLKS=1024. >CON ONLINE ALL >ELI /LOG/LIM >CLI /INIT=DCL/CTRLC/DPR="<15><12>/$ /" >INS LB:[1,1]RMSRESAB.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS LB:[1,1]RMSLBL.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS LB:[1,1]RMSLBM.TSK/RON=YES/PAR=GEN >INS $QMGCLI >INS $QMGCLI/TASK=...PRI >INS $QMGCLI/TASK=...SUB >QUE /START:QMG >INS $QMGPRT/TASK=PRT.../SLV=NO >QUE LP0:/CR/NM >START/ACCOUNTING >CON ESTAT LP0: >QUE BAP0:/BATCH >QUE BAP0:/AS:BATCH >@ <EOF> >

The device we want to initialize is rq1, which becomes du1 in rsx-11. We can see it using an rsx command:

>show dev du DU0: Public Mounted Loaded Label=RSX11MPBL87 Type=RD54 DU1: Loaded Type=RD54 DU2: Loaded Type=RD54 DU3: Loaded Type=RX50

First allocate the du1 device so that it becomes our “private” device, i.e. usable for our terminal only, then mount it, and finally initialize it:

This uses the dcl INITIALIZE VOLUME command, see the rsx reference for details.

Next, unmount and remount

We can now show the root directory for the new device:

Mounting the TCP/IP disk image

The RSX-11 TCP/IP stack can be found here: http://mim.stupi.net/tcpip.htm . You can download an rl02 disk image that should then be mounted in the simulator/machine.

To mount, first add the following lines to the simh config file (or type them in on the simh command prompt):

Make sure your sysgen has support for rl02 drives, if not redo it.

Now start rsx-11, then do the following after finishing startup:

To actually install TCP/IP we need to copy the disk to du0:

I should set the UIC to default, but that does not work:

So instead we start directly:

This runs a script. Answer the questions, and after that shutdown and restart.

To make tcp/ip run after the restart:

and after that

Output for these:

Once this is done we can see ip configuration:


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